Line of Services

Corporate & Commercial Transaction


Corporate Commercial Transactions are our everyday legal service activities. In this service area, we serve clients in all corporate commercial affairs including but not limited to company establishment, partnership, company regulation, article of association, merger and acquisition, investment, securities, legal drafting, commercial contract negotiations, procurement activities, management of contract, merger and acquisition, direct and indirect investment etc.

In this area of service, our lawyers have assisted numerous clients in their commercial transactions as mentioned above.

Infrastructure and Energy Projects


Our lawyers understand that the current development priorities in Indonesia as per current economic growth and the government’s plans are infrastructure provisions and energy. In satisfying these needs, this country would require multiple financing sources especially from private sectors. As such, involving private sector in infrastructure development is exposed to numerous challenges. Indonesia is known by many as the country with complex legal structures. Hence, in order to do business in this area, such appropriate practical legal advice would be necessary.

In light of the above, this area of practice to date has become our main specialties since we have heavily involved and hence advised numerous infrastructure and energy projects especially through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mechanism.

Banking and Financing


In this area of practice, our lawyers have advised a number of banks and financial institutions including overseas Private Equities operating in Indonesia. Our lawyers are accordingly exposed in banking and financing matters within and outside Indonesia such as lending (secured or non-secured), project financing, bancassurance, money markets, derivatives, bonds, letter of credits etc. Hence, our lawyers have assisted in some activities such as drafting loan agreements, security documentation, negotiation, issuing legal opinions, conduct customer due dilligence etc.



We understand that the development of investment and economic growth in Indonesia and the policy of ASEAN Free Trade Area result to employment opportunities either for local or overseas workforce. Meanwhile, although there are some improvements in employment regulatory and policy settings in this country, employment matters are always challenging. Employers often require help in employment issues considered difficult to deal such as conceptualising and drafting company regulation, negotiation with labour union, drafting collective employment agreement, termination due to various reasons, outsourcing, use of fixed-term employment etc,

Having understood such needs, in this practice, DKMS lawyers always aims to provide comprehensive legal services in managing employment affairs at client’s companies to be in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations as well as high standard of employment practices.

Property and Real Estate


Property and Real Estate are the industries that never stop growing as people will always require place to live and to work. Acquiring properties with problem free is alwas an everlasting challenge in Indonesia given there are a number of land titles recognised and some limitation for foreign individuals and foreign companies. While the limitation remains in existence, the demands for acquiring properties especially from foreigners keep increasing.

In this practice, DKMS Lawyers team have advised a number of clients who wish to acquire property in Indonesia to make sure that they will enjoy possessing the properties without any hassle.

Intellectual Property Rights


Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is one of the important aspects in business and trade. Many business people have experienced infringements due to lack of awareness to this area. According to recent research from Japan International Cooperation Agency (“JICA”), during the period 2009 – 2013, there were 533 cases brought to commercial courts throughout Indonesia. In view of this issue, in protecting our clients’ interests we maintain experienced counsels ready to advise these interests ensuring that their rights are well-maintained.

Litigation and Diputes Resolution


It is our main objectives to avoid clients from litigation, arbitration or bankruptcy. However sometimes it becomes inevitable. Our lawyers are licensed advocates who have experiences in handling numerous litigation cases either in civil court, commercial court, criminal court and state-administrative courts. Besides, our lawyers are highly skilled in performing alternative dispute settlements and experienced in Arbitration. Our lawyers have advised individuals, private and public companies, multinational corporations and so on in highly dynamic cases.

Other Services


Being lawyers shall be ready to perform various duties asked by the communities beyond their expertise. Accordingly, our lawyers have assisted clients in a number of legal works beyond our area of focus such as legal document translation, family law, and debt collections.

While we are not focusing to work in these areas, we have benefited from assisting communities in these areas of practice mainly in terms of enriching legal knowledge of our lawyers. Besides, we often assist the community in a pro-bono basis.