Water has always been a very important resource for everyone. From drinking water that is needed daily for the survival of living beings, to other uses such as bathing, washing, cleaning, and many more. However, not only is distribution / drainage of clean water important, the system for wastewater, which is water that has degraded because of human use, is also as important as the former. With its importance established, it is clear to see that a functioning and effective system is also needed for wastewater, which one of these is being constructed in Makassar, which we will dive in below.
The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is building a Metropolitan Sanitation Management Investment Project (MSMIP) for Makassar City or called the Losari Wastewater Treatment Plant (“IPAL”) worth Rp 219.55 billion. The construction budget consists of Rp. 176.18 billion and US$ 3.04 million or equivalent to Rp. 43.37 billion.
Head of the South Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) Directorate General (Ditjen) Cipta Karya Ministry of PUPR Ahmad Asiri revealed, the construction of the Losari IPAL is expected to improve domestic wastewater services for 70,000 people. Ahmad said the service coverage was to connect about 14,000 house connections (SR). In detail, there are 8,600 domestic SRs and 5,400 commercial connections with a wastewater capacity of 16,000 cubic meters per day, including hotels in the area.
Originally there were five sub-districts served from the construction of this IPAL, namely Tamalate District, Mariso District, Mamajang District, Ujung Pandang District, and Makassar District. The construction of the Losari IPAL is intended to improve domestic wastewater services with a centralized system in urban areas.
The Losari IPAL construction uses technology in the form of a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR), which is an integration between conventional activated sludge systems and processing using biofilm. The IPAL construction is scheduled to last for five years, starting from 2019 to 2023.
SOURCE : Detik (detik.com)
LINK : https://www.kompas.com/properti/read/2021/11/11/173000721/bangun-instalasi-air-limbah-untuk-70.000-jiwa-di-makassar-pemerintah?page=all#page2