The Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) received a FY 2022 budget of Rp 39.70 trillion. PUPR Director General of Highways Hedy Rahadian said the majority of the total budget was allocated for connectivity infrastructure programs, which reached Rp 37.30 trillion or 92.94 percent. While the remaining…

By Ryan Mandela and Alda Humaira Razzak   A             Background In order to increase the investment and boosting up the national economy, the government is providing exemption from import duty on import of machinery, goods and materials for industrial development in relation to the investment. The granting of import duty facilities on new imported machinery…

PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk (GIAA) revealed a debt restructuring agenda with a number of creditors as a follow-up to the decision on temporary suspension of debt payment obligations (PKPU). Citing the information disclosed by Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Wednesday (15/12/2021), the result of GIAA’s PKPU was related to the Commercial Court’s Decision at the Central…

Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlements is currently developing Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) for regional scale in North Sumatera namely in Medan, Binjai and Deli Serdang (Mebidang). Mebidang Region SPAM is planning on serving drinking water needs for 80,000 House Connections or equal to 400.000 lives. The Minister of Public Works and Human…

By Justin Hasanuddin (22/12/2021) The Batam Indonesia Free Zone Authority (BIFZA/BP Batam) just signed a Cooperation Agreement to manage Hang Nadim Airport with PT Batam International Airport (PT BIB). Thereby, Hang Nadiem Airport is officially under the management of AP I with PT BIB. PT BIB is an Implementing Business Entity (IBE) formed under the…

By Ryan Mandela and Savira Ramadhanty.   Background As one of the available ways for business expansion and investment, land acquisition in Indonesia is often viewed by local and foreign investors in developing their business especially with the rampant increase of investment activity in Indonesia. There are certified and uncertified lands in Indonesia and currently,…

Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) is preparing a pre-feasibility study process regarding Public Private Partnership (KPBU) for the infrastructure construction of the new capital city. This is one of the schemes that the government relies on to fund the state capital (IKN) project. Currently, the PPP process which consists of four stages is ongoing….

Finally, the DPR, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) agreed on a list of Draft Laws (RUU) included in the 2022 Priority National Legislative Program (Prolegnas).             Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council (Baleg) of the Legislative Assembly, Ibnu Multazam, said that in the preparation of the 2022…

            The Constitutional Court (MK) decided that Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation was conditionally unconstitutional. The decision was read out by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman in a formal trial of the Job Creation Law which was broadcast online on November 25, 2021             In its consideration, the…

By: Ryan Mandela, Savira Ramadhanty, and Izaldi Fikri Muhammad   A     Background There are varieties of interest rate reference being used in banking services and/or facilities, one of which that is commonly used for global scale is the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)[1] and since the 1960s, LIBOR has also been the world’s main interest…